Daniel Rezmer


Dear Ela, Lista is currently in a remote area of Arunachal Pradesh in North East India, very close to the borders of Bhutan and Tibet. She is volunteering for 3.5 months with her friend Mark from Victoria, at a children’s community of love and compassion.  See www.jhamstegatsal.org.  After 8 days journey, we arrived safely last night, to such a whole-hearted welcome as I have never before experienced.

After speaking with the founder monk Lobsang Phuntsok (leading the prayer in the second photo) about the Pure Good initiative in Daniel’s honour, we all woke up early and went on a group Pure Good walk for about an hour and a half to a sacred place outside the community. The prayer and chanting that Lobsang offered was all about the purity of friendship and connectedness, and you can only imagine how beautiful it felt to connect as best we all could to Daniel’s bright and shining spirit. The children here are outstandingly gifted at living genuinely with open hearts.

In this group photo, we were all saying “Yeah!!!!” loud enough so that all those people in Canada who are running or walking for Pure Good today could hear us!

With much love,
Bob, Lista and Mark

PS:  Lista asks “Have I told you today that I love you?”
